Rev. Dr. Melvin Sensenig (MDiv Yale, PhD Temple) currently serves as chaplain and adjunct assistant professor in the religious studies department at Albright College. He is the founder of TIRoutreach.org, a theologian-in-residence service for least-served pastors in Reading, PA, and is an ordained Presbyterian minister. He is the author of Jehoiachin and His Oracle: A Jeremianic Scribal Framework for the End of the Deuteronomistic History (Gorgias, 2020); “Jeremiah, Jehoiachin and ‘the Branch’: King Jehoiachin in Jeremianic Interpretive Tradition,” in Jeremiah in History and Tradition (Routledge, 2019); and “Duhm, Mowinckel and a Disempowered King: Protestant Liberal Theological Agendas in Jeremiah’s Construction of Jehoiachin,” Biblical Theology Bulletin 49 (2019): 60–70.